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Top 7 Stats On Plastic Waste That You Should Know

Plastic is one of the essential ingredients that is usually found in almost every item/product. Your food wrapping is plastic, the smartphone case you are so fond of is also plastic, even the computer keyboard is made up of plastic. It infiltrates so many aspects of life that it becomes virtually impossible to get rid of them. So, here you can find some stats on plastic waste, that can help to create awareness regarding plastic waste.

What we considered a boon for society has now become a curse for our environment. The long-lasting support or the durability provided by plastic is now threatening our marine life, the environment and plaguing the entire planet. Although, some of it can be recycled while the majority goes to the landfills and ends up in the oceans.

Plastic Straws, for example, is a toxic product that can never be recycled and goes straight to the oceans killing our wildlife. This significant exposure to plastic needs to be reduced as quickly as possible.

To further highlight our point let’s discuss the top 7 scariest stats on plastic waste.

Top 7 Stats On Plastic Waste

#1. More Than 10 Lakh Plastic Bottles Are Sold Every Minute

There are over a million plastic bottles sold every minute. These bottles are essentially among the most common plastic waste on the planet. Half of them i.e. 50% of the bottles are recycled and only 7% end up being transformed into a new one. Rest everything adds up to the plastic wastage. In 2016 alone, over 240 billion bottles were dumped into a landfill in a single year.

#2. By 2050 Estimate Around 12 Billion Tonnes Of Plastic Waste In Landfills

Till date, 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic have been produced from which 6.3 billion tonnes is your plastic waste created. 80% of this plastic waste ends up in landfills and in the oceans. This is a catastrophic state and considering the rate at which we are producing waste, it is estimated that by 2050 we will have 12 billion tonnes of plastic waste in landfills.

This is one of the most horrifying stats on plastic waste as these are serious numbers and will only continue to grow.

How much our Earth can hold needs no guessing? So stop wasting or be ready to bear the consequences.

#3. Each Year We Add 10 Million Tonnes Of Plastic Waste In The Oceans

Plastic waste has spread like wildfire in our oceans all thanks to our not-so-smart dumping grounds. From seabirds to marine animals, toxic plastic waste in form of microplastics has even entered our food chain. A study from Journal Science suggested that in total 192 countries are adding nearly 10 million tonnes of plastic waste into the oceans. This has ended up providing five humongous gyres of plastic waste in the water that have high concentrations due to circular currents.

#4. Plastic Is Found In All Sea Turtle Species

One of the Other shocking stats on plastic waste is that the entire sea turtle species are found to have at least tiny plastic fragments inside their body.

This video is a prime example of how painful it can be for the species. Here there is straw stuck inside the nose of this turtle. You can only imagine the pain that little turtle is suffering from.

Plastic straws are the main culprit here. Prefer using reusable drinking straws to replace these plastic ones.

Also, 44% of seabird species and 22% of cetaceans also have plastic waste inside their bodies and the numbers are getting bigger day by day. This is our doing and it’s high time we must take an initiative. If we wish to provide a better planet for our future generations then we must take action fast. Marine animals are counting on us.

#5. Single-Use Plastic Accumulates 50% Of The Total Plastic Produced

This is a scary stats on plastic pollution and it is very real. Countless single-use plastic products such as plastic utensils are used by all of us. Our unnecessary throwaway culture means that we use it for once and then throw it away forever. This needs to change, we need to change. 50% of the plastic is used only once and this is no joke.

We must take initial steps and stop using this single-use plastic forever. And make a necessary switch towards using eco-friendly products with the aim to live an eco-friendly lifestyle.

#6. Every Minute Over 1 Million Plastic Bags Are Used

One million plastic bags are being used every minute across the globe. It is estimated that around 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide every year. This is a dangerous number that can only be changed with the use of jute/cloth bags. Start adopting reusable grocery bags for a better planet and stop utilizing plastic bags instantly.

Say no to plastic bags switch to Eco friendly shopping bags stats on plastic waste

This stat from stats on plastic waste is most shocking as plastic carry bags are used on an average for only 12 minutes and throw away.

#7. Largest Plastic Dump GPGP Is Twice The State Of Texas

This should ring alarming bells that the largest plastic dump is not on land but in the oceans. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a floating plastic mass that accumulates the largest garbage site in the world. It’s enormous and is roughly twice the size of the State of Texas. Water currents bring together the plastic waste into one big mass of garbage now known as GPGP.


These stats on plastic waste are alarming and direct towards our planet’s downfall if nothing is done. Although it is not possible to reduce this plastic waste problem overnight but you at the individual level can do your bit.

You can start by replacing single-use plastics in your daily routine with something that can be reused. Also, try to adopt green alternatives like reusable drinking straws, carrying our own cup for coffee, and stop using plastic for real. This is the only way to curb the effects of plastic waste.

These stats on plastic waste will just remain numbers if you don’t act or take action to reduce plastic waste and pollution.

If you have anything to add to these stats on plastic waste, please feel free to comment below.