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4 Best ways to Bring Birds Into Garden

Human activities have threatened the existence of most Birds around the world. Birds are facing a significant decline in their population because of habitat loss and other threats. This is where birdscaping comes to help the birds by creating a bird-friendly garden. Birdscaping is all about creating a safe place for birds to visit or stay.

If you start birdscaping you will have fun watching the birds thrive. Birds will also contribute to the local ecosystem by helping maintain your garden health. As many birds feed on insects, they will help you control the insect population, that might harm your garden. Birds will also help you in removing seeds of unwanted weeds that can take the resources of your plants.  

By adding few elements and providing safe surroundings for birds you can get started with birdscaping.

Read on for the best ways to bring birds into your garden.

#1. Birscaping By Providing Birds’ Food

Birscaping By Providing Birds' Food

Birds eat different variety of food that includes insects, nuts, and seeds. A bird food mixture comprising many plant-based foods like seeds and nuts will work to attract the birds. Different species of birds have different food preferences.

Putting out a bird feeder with a mix of different seeds will help you in attracting birds. It would be better to provide a little bit of everything in your garden so that all the birds that visit are satisfied.

Birds prefer natural food items like seeds instead of synthetic or processed food items. Foods that birds enjoy most include the following.

  • Different kinds of seeds
  • Different Grains
  • Berries
  • Peanuts
  • Insects
  • Fruits

You can buy a bird feeder or make your own. And fill it with a mix of different grains or seeds for birds to feed on. You can also buy ready mixtures that provide the right mixture of all the grain and seeds those birds can feed on.

Visit here if you wish to buy bird feeders and here for buying bird food mixtures.

#2. Birdscaping By Providing Water

Birdscaping By Providing Water

Birds need water to satisfy their thirst, for cleaning and cooling down. If you provide water for birds to clean and bath in safe surroundings, birds will surely come. As they feel safe and enjoy the water in the cool place.

Water is not that accessible to birds, especially in urban areas due to the lack of ponds and other water sources. Providing such a source for birds to bathe and drink will attract many birds. Adding a bird bath will also add a natural touch to your garden along with attracting birds.

Birds are more attracted to moving water as they can hear moving water. Also, the moving water stays cleaner for a longer duration and is mostly free of mosquito breeding. You can use solar-powered bird fountains to keep the water running.

You can use simple earthen pots for providing water to birds or buy water feeding stands specially designed for birds. You can also install solar-powered fountains in these pots to keep water moving and attracting more birds.

You can visit here to buy water feeders for birds and here to buy water fountains for birds.

#3. Shelter For Birds

Shelter For Birds

Apart from water and food, birds need shelter to rest or for laying eggs. Birds may also need shelter to stay safe from the bad weather or predators. To provide shelter to the birds you can plant trees or use thick vegetation for birds to feel secure. Alternatively, you can make a bird house using wood or provide birds with material like twigs, sticks or leaves for building the nest.

Different birds are attracted to different kinds of nests so do some research regarding the birds in your surroundings. And what kind of nesting do these birds prefer to live in. Making such nesting available will attract many birds to your garden. You also need to protect the nest area of birds from your pet dogs and cats.

You need to provide a safe environment for the bird to live in. Then definitely many birds will show up and they will keep coming back whenever they migrate back to your region.

You can visit here to buy different bird house or shelters.

#4. Add different plants

Birds understand colors better than humans as they depend on them for visual signs about their surroundings. You can use plants and outdoor decoration in a way to attract birds to your garden. You must research the plants you need in your garden to attract maximum birds.

You must use a variety of different plants with different colours of flowers and fruits. Planting different kinds of plants will attract birds by providing both shelter and food to birds. That will make sure that your garden is effective in attracting the birds.


Birdscaping works on the principle of building environment and birds will come. If you create the right environment for birds, they will definitely come. Food, water, and shelter are among the basic needs of all animals and if you provide even one of these, birds will surely come.

These basic things can help you get started with birdscaping. It is just a beginning and once you get started you will learn many new things as you sit back and watch the birds.

Check out this article for living an eco-friendly lifestyle.