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Top 8 Benefits of Birdhouse In Your Garden

Birds are an essential part of our ecosystem as they contribute to maintaining the required balance in the ecosystem. But with increasing urbanization and deforestation, the natural habitat of the birds had been destroyed. And many species are on the verge of extension due to a lack of habitat or safe places to build nests.

In case you need a certain level of convincing to set up the birdhouse. Here we have prepared the list of the top 8 benefits of birdhouse in your backyard or garden.

If in case you had already built the birdhouse in your garden and no birds are showing up, read here for the 4 best ways to bring birds into your garden.

Benefits of Birdhouses 

#1. Pest Control

Many insectivores species of birds enjoy eating the insects and worms. These insectivore birds help in removing lots of pests and insects from your garden naturally. And help you reduce your dependence on pesticides. These birds depend on these pests including worms, mosquitoes, larvae, and flies. To get the required nutrition to stay healthy.

Pest Control Benefits of birdhouse

So, if you build a birdhouse in your backyard and birds start coming, you won’t have to worry about pest control. The birds will feed on these pests and maintain the pest numbers to less harmful levels. Pest control becomes one of the major benefits of birdhouses as it helps you maintain your garden without the need for harmful chemical pesticides.

#2. Weed Control

Weed is another major problem that you might face in your garden. The presence of birds will help you get rid of lots of weed with no trouble. As birds love to eat the seeds of many weed plants. That helps in reducing the growth of weed to a great extent.

By building birdhouses and inviting birds to your backyard, you are essentially getting rid of the weed with minimum effort. This helps you save energy and time spent trying to get rid of all the weeds in your garden.

#3. Plants Pollination

Some bird species can pollinate the flowering plants in your backyard. If you have a flower garden in your backyard, then a bird’s house would be of great help to you. Birdhouses provide a safe place for birds to stay and breed. That means you will have many more birds in your backyard that would help you pollinate the plants.

By building a birdhouse, you will not only provide a safe place for tiny creatures. But you will also get more fruits and flowers. As a benefit of the birdhouse, your garden looks greener and more alive.

#4. Shelter For Birds

Building a birdhouse means wild birds are getting a safe place to stay and breed. Birdhouses are mostly built of wood that provides birds with a safe place to lay eggs and raise the young ones. And provide protection from other predators like birds, cats, and squirrels.

Shelter For Birds Benefits of birdhouse

Build a birdhouse yourself or buy some ready-made ones, but make sure that the birdhouse is built using natural material. And it has proper ventilation and is installed in the shade to avoid overheating in summers.

#5. Prevent Bird Species Extinction

With rapid urbanization and deforestation, the survival of many birds has become difficult. An increase in natural calamities like floods and wildfire because of climate change has also affected the natural habitat of birds. This has left many birds vulnerable to attack by predators due to a lack of natural protection.

So, by building the birdhouses in your backyards you are essentially protecting the many bird species from extinction. The solid wooden birdhouses are safe for birds to lay eggs and raise their young ones.

#6. Spread Seeds Of plants

Many plants have depended on animals and birds for transferring their seeds to new locations. Birds are one of the biggest contributors to spreading the seeds around. After birds eat the fruit or its seeds, the outer shell of the seeds gets weakened as it passes through the digestive system of the birds. After passing through the digestive tract, seeds are spread to different places in the bird’s droppings.

The birdhouse often brings in birds that help in the regeneration of different plants in remote locations. Enabling the plants to grow in remote locations with ease. And all this is done through the bird’s dropping.

#7. Natural Fertilizers

Many people don’t build birdhouses for the fear of their garden getting ruined by the bird poop. But the reality is the opposite, as bird poop acts as manure for the plants. The bird droppings often sink deep into the soil to create a great fertilizer.

Also, birds eat a variety of fruits and seeds, and many minerals from those plants get passed through the bird’s dropping. These act as nutrients for the soil and help the plants grow better without the need for artificial fertilizers. As a benefit of the birdhouse, you build you will get access to natural fertilizer.

#8. Awareness

The birdhouses are not just decorative but they are a great way of getting aware of the wildlife. You will learn lots of things about birds that could include migration patterns, mating time, and nesting patterns. The birdhouses provide you with an amazing opportunity to learn about conservation, the need for wildlife protection, and overall, many new things about our environment.   

As a final benefit of the birdhouse, you will learn many new things related to the behavior of the birds and their lifestyle.


You would be totally satisfied by the sound of birds chirping in the morning when you wake up. You might also catch the sight of eggs getting hatched and see new creatures coming to life. By adding one or two birdhouses in your garden or backyard, you will do your bit for the environment. Also, develop a certain relationship with the birds. As you will wait every year for the birds to come back.

Visit here if you are looking to buy a birdhouse for your garden.

Also, read about the ways to bring birds into your backyard.