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Top 5 Basic Ways To Beat Plastic Pollution

Plastic, plastic, and more plastic. This is sadly the story of our planet Earth. We utilize single-use plastic every day and then dump them without any second thoughts. Most of the harmful plastic that we throw away, escape from the dumping ground and pollute our environment. This is just not acceptable. Although steps have been taken to curb all the plastic pollution, everything fails unless we contribute together.

Pledge To Beat Plastic Pollution

2018’s world environment day theme of “Beat plastic pollution” was an incredible success, one that urged people to take the plastic pledge. Friendly tips were provided and few ways were suggested on how to stop this pollution.

Below you will find five most powerful pledges:

#1. If you can’t reuse it, refuse it

#BeatPlasticPollution campaign saw many powerful stories and images that pushed this issue to people’s heart. An infographic on plastic pollution was created and shared for the campaign. This infographic clearly stated that “if you can’t reuse it, refuse it.” An influential message backed up by stats and images showed up the dark reality behind plastic use (abuse) and why we must wake up now. Real topics covered inside this infographic include :

  • Plastic production and its dangerous impact on the life
  • Plastic on the beach
  • Refuse plastic (infographic’s theme)

For full infographic, visit here.

#2. Bring your own bottle, coffee mug, SS straws

Each time you purchase a new plastic bottle, you end up dumping 10 older ones. This isn’t something to be proud of. You may have money to buy new bottles or plastic products but you can never buy back our planet, never. There were few ways suggested this Environment’s day to beat plastic pollution. These include:

  • Bring your own drinking bottle and get into a habit of refilling it.
  • Ditch single-use coffee mugs by bringing your own cups to the coffee shop. Save planet!
  • Replace harmful plastic straws with reusable eco-friendly straws and be the change.

Re-think your strategies and ditch plastic for good.

#3. Start Using Non-Plastic Packaging

Plastic packaging is convenient for all but they are not environment-friendly. Excessive plastic packaging may lead to many environmental issues, most notably:

  • Contaminates the food items that are packed using plastics.
  • Cannot be recycled, and have a less shelf life.

Plastic wrapping must be replaced with non-plastic packaging at the earliest. Urge the younger generation to use effective alternatives to plastic products. Carry your own grocery bag to the supermarkets and pressurize retailers/food suppliers to use non-plastic packaging. The plastic ban is now a reality but people are still using it for its convenience. See the bigger picture and communicate with others. Let’s beat plastic pollution together.

#4. Recycle your waste at home

#BeatPlasticPollution campaign starts at home. Your plastic waste can be recycled in many ways than you may know. Recapture all the innovative ideas and use your creativity to recycle the waste at home. There are many plastic products that your local recycling plant accepts. Learn about these products and separate the waste without throwing it away. The more you recycle, the better it is for the environment.

Take an active part in social campaigns that promote plastic ban. Learn new ways and redefine strategies to leave a better world for the younger generations. It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans. If this doesn’t sound an alarming bell, then we don’t know what will.

#4. Plastic pledge

Our efforts will decide the future of this world and everything else. A plastic pledge was taken by many enthusiastic environmentalists and UN personnel to ban the use of single-use plastic. That year we saw UN Climate Chief Patricia Espinosa along with other famous leaders join the tag campaign by posting their videos of the plastic pledge. Watch this video by Patricia Espinosa.

The tag campaign was part of the UN’s “Beat Plastic Pollution” initiative that produced some amazing results in a short span of time. People started acknowledging the movement and adopted measures to curb their plastic use.

When will our fight against plastic end?

Our fight is not only against plastic but against ourselves too. Our negligence and over-reliability on such products have led to the environmental downfall. Marine life is being disturbed, wildlife is getting killed, humans are being affected and we still do not learn. Single-use plastic products such as plastic cutlery are a plague for all of us. Yes, they are totally convenient, make our lives easy but the price our planet pays is too much.

We urge you all to do your bit for the environment and become a part of the “Beat Plastic Pollution” campaign and make a switch to a plastic-free lifestyle.

Switch to environment friendly products check-out the ever evolving list of such products here.

Force the change and be the change.

Let’s take a plastic pledge today!