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Top 6 Benefits of Reusable Menstrual Cup

Reusable menstrual cups are getting popular lately as an alternative to sanitary pads and tampons. But it would amaze you to know that an American actor Leona Chalmers invented menstrual cups way back in the 1920s. In the 1920s, most Indian women were not even aware of sanitary pads.

Even after such a long time since the invention of menstrual cups, many Indian women don’t find the idea of using menstrual cups good enough. Although menstrual cups are made using medical-grade silicon and have seen many design changes to perfect their usability. Still, there is certain resistance among Indian women in using these menstrual cups.

To address this concern, here you can find the top 6 benefits of using menstrual cups.

Let’s first get started by understanding what is a menstrual cup?

What Is A Menstrual Cup?

Reusable Menstrual Cup

As the name suggests, the menstrual cup is a small, flexible cup made of silicon that women use during the menstruation period. They are made using medical-grade silicon that can be inserted into vagina to collect blood.

Menstrual cups have the capacity to hold more blood and can last for as long as 12 hours. Making these cups amongst the most hygienic and eco-friendly hygiene product for women.

Read on to know more about the benefits of reusable menstrual cups.

Benefits of Reusable Menstrual Cup

Here you can find the top 6 benefits of using reusable menstrual cups during your menstrual period.

#1. Save Money

Top 6 Benefits of Reusable Menstrual Cup 1

The reusable menstrual cups are designed for long-term use, they can easily last for many years. This helps you save money over using pads or tampons. A reusable menstrual cup costs between ₹300 to ₹800 and can last for at least 10 years. While, a set of 50 pads costs about ₹300 and that will hardly last about 10 months. By switching over to reusable menstrual cups, you would save over ₹4000.

#2. Eco-friendly

If the economics of reusable menstrual cups don’t convenience you, then its eco-friendly nature must. By using the reusable menstrual cup, you will help to prevent thousands of disposable pads from going into landfills. Where they will take hundreds of years to decompose.

A reusable menstrual cup is designed to last at least ten years, but most of these would last longer. That is actually a lot of waste being prevented from landing in landfills.

#3. Hold More Blood

A normal tampon or a pad can hold between six to nine grams of blood. A reusable menstrual cup is capable of holding almost five times the blood compared to tampons of pads. Reusable menstrual cups can hold up to 28 grams of blood once put in use. This makes life easy for ladies who have a heavy flow.

#4. Free From Toxic Chemicals

The reusable menstrual cups are free from toxins like BPA, latex, dye or other additives that could cause allergies.

#5. Helps Avoid Rashes And Allergies

Using reusable menstrual cups helps in avoiding any sort of rashes or allergies. Tampons can absorb other vaginal fluids along with blood that actually disturbs the PH value of vagina and kill the good bacteria. Menstrual pads can actually cause rashes along the holding place of the pad if note replaced in timely manner.

In such a situation, menstrual cups are better than both the tampons and pads. 

#6. Safer Than Other Hygienic Products

Menstrual cups are safer than other hygiene products that absorb blood. The menstrual cups collect blood instead of absorbing that makes them safer and reduces risk of bacterial infections. The Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a bacterial infection that can occur in vagina and have potential to kill you. This infection can occur mostly with tampons, as they can also absorb other vaginal fluids along with blood.

Using menstrual cups can help prevent such problems as they mostly collect blood instead of absorbing it.

Disadvantages Of Using Menstrual Cups

Menstrual cups are good to use on many fronts. But here are few disadvantages related to menstrual cups that you must understand before going for menstrual cups.

#1. Cup Removal Can Create Mess

As you start using the menstrual cups, you might find yourself in an awkward position while removing the cups. Spills caused while removing the cup can cause an unnecessary mess. It might happen frequently as you get started with using the menstrual cups.

#2. Difficult To Insert And Remove

Initially, you might find it difficult to get the right fold to put in your menstrual cup. Or You can find it difficult to pull the cup down and out. But as you use it regularly, you will get comfortable inserting and removing the menstrual cups.

#3. Tough To Find Right Fit Cups

Menstrual cup doesn’t come as one size fits all, so you might have to face difficulties to find the right fit cup for use. You might need to try out different brands and different sizes of cups to find the right menstrual cups.

How to Use a Menstrual Cup?

To get started with using the menstrual cups, you first need to find the right size menstrual cup. The menstrual must be a right fit for you according to size and flow.

How to choose right menstrual cup?

Menstrual cups often come in two sizes that are small and large, but some brands offer over two options. So here are some tips to help you select the right size menstrual cup.

You must select the cup size depending on its fitting and not on the flow. You can buy a cup with high flow, but it must also fit properly. Understand all the attributes of menstrual cups like diameter and length before selecting one. If you are confused about the size, buy a menstrual cup with bigger diameter as vagina is designed to expand.

For below 30-years of smaller-sized cups are suited and for those above 30-years of age or you have given a vaginal birth large-size will work. But there can be some expectations regarding the size. You can read this article on period nirvana to known more about selecting the menstrual cups.

How to Insert a menstrual cup?

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you insert the menstrual cups with ease.

Step 1: Wash your hands properly with water and soap.

Step 2: Apply water-based lubricant on the outer side of the menstrual cup to help you ease the process of inserting the menstrual cup.

Step 3: Fold the menstrual cup like shown below while keeping the rim of the menstrual cup upwards.

 Reusable Menstrual Cup

Step 4: Next insert the menstrual cup inside your vagina and leave it for expanding.

Step 5: You should now rotate the menstrual cup after inserting it inside your vagina. As you rotate the cup, it will expand and form an airtight seal inside vagina to help stop any leakage.

If the menstrual cup is inserted properly, you won’t feel its presence in vagina and be able to perform routine activities without the menstrual cup falling out.

How to remove a menstrual cup?

You can easily wear menstrual cups for 6 to 12 hours with no worry. For normal blood flow, you can wear menstrual cups overnight but you must remove the cups without exceeding 12-hours.

Read on for step-by-step guide to removing the menstrual cups.

Step 1: Wash your hands properly with soap and water.

Step 2: Gently insert your thumb and index finger into your vagina and slowly pull the stem of menstrual cup until it reaches the base.

Step 3: Slowly pinch the base to release the air-tight seal. Next, to remove, you can pull down the menstrual cup carefully to avoid spillage.

Step 4: Once the cup is out, you should empty the blood into the toilet or sink. Then wash and clean the cup with water to insert it again.

You should empty the menstrual cup twice depending upon the flow to help you reduce the risk of irritation.


Menstrual cups are the innovative and the safest women hygienic product available out there. It can be a little challenging to use initially, but then things get smooth with practice. By using the proper technique and practice, you will understand how to properly use the menstrual cups.

Check the best menstrual cups here.

Find out about other eco-friendly products here.