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Top 10 Eco Apps To Help You Lead A Sustainable Lifestyle

The Internet has touched every aspect of our lives, be it learning a skill or buying groceries. You can do it on your mobile device or computer with ease. Similarly, there are mobile and web-based eco apps to help you live a sustainable lifestyle.

If you are looking for such apps, you are in the right place to find out exactly the top 10 apps that can help you lead a sustainable lifestyle.

Eco Apps To Help You Lead A Sustainable Lifestyle

#1. Loss Of the Night

Light pollution is becoming the next biggest threat to our environment. The excessive outdoor lighting can turn the night into day, thus disturbing the ecological balance of wildlife. Excessive use of lighting means more coal is being burned to produce electricity. The light pollution has acted as a hindrance to the view of the night sky.

This is where the loss of the night app helps you become a citizen scientist and report the brightness of your surrounding areas. You can measure the sky glow using this app as it asks you to figure out whether you can see certain stars in the sky. Your inputs help in creating the database for researchers that could help reduce night pollution.

This eco app is great for you to use if you want to contribute to reducing light pollution. Download the Loss of the Night app for free for Android and iOS.

#2. Water Footprint Calculator

water footprint calculator eco app

The water footprint calculator is a web-based app that helps you understand your overall water consumption. You can use this app to understand how your everyday actions, which include washing dishes to buying groceries, contribute to your water footprint.

Using this app, you can calculate your water consumption. Once you are aware of your water consumption, you can work on reducing your water consumption. You can also find educational resources on this website to help you reduce your water consumption.

Check out the water footprint calculator web eco app here.

#3. Forest

Forest eco app

Forest app is one of the best eco apps that also help you concentrate on your work. Forest app will help you reduce your phone addiction while initiating planting more trees. This app once activated locks all other apps on your phone and the virtual tree grows.

As you work, a virtual tree grows in your app and grants you in-app coins once you finish your work. These in-app coins help you plant actual trees that can help the environment while making sure you stay productive.

The forest app is available for both Android and IOS.

#4. SDGs App

eco app SDGs

The sustainable development goals is the app developed to help you figure out how you can help in achieving the sustainable development goals set by the UN for 2030. By using this app, you can discover different ways by which you can contribute to the fulfillment of these goals and also design your own initiatives.

In this app, you will learn about the 17 goals along with targets, explanatory videos, facts, and actions needed to achieve it. You can also select the goals important to you and receive regular notifications related to that goal. This app also enables you to create actions in your area and invite others to join in with you.

The SDGs app is available for both Android and IOS.

#5. Refresh Go Green App

This eco app helps you turn your everyday activities into more sustainable and greener through small steps.

This app provides you with 52 simple-to-follow steps to become sustainable. In this app, you will get useful information regarding turning your home into a greener environment and also provide indications about your diet, health, and daily habits.

These easy steps make it easy and cost-efficient for you to go green and have a lasting effect on mother earth.

The Refresh Go Green App is available for iOS and Android, visit here.

#6. Recycle Coach

Recycle coach app is aimed at helping people recycle the trash in the correct way. Most people don’t understand how recycling works because of this they end up making mistakes that harm the whole recycling process.

This is where the recycling coach app becomes helpful by providing guidance according to the needs of the household and local area. This app helps you play a constructive role in your area recycling efforts by helping you learn all things related to recycling.

To learn more about recycling coach or to download this eco app visit here.

#7. Happy Cow

eco app happy cow

Becoming a vegetarian or vegan may not be possible for everybody, but cutting down on meat and dairy products can help you reduce your carbon footprint by 73%. Going vegetarian or vegan is not a straightforward job above that such a diet is difficult to follow, especially when traveling.

This is where the happy cow app helps you in finding vegan and vegetarian-friendly restaurants all over the world. You can download the app right away or use the website to search for restaurants that are vegan, vegetarian, or provide veg-friendly options. 

To find the restaurants using the website visit here or to download this eco app visit here.

#8. Ecosia Search Engine

Ecosia is a search engine that uses its earnings from advertisements to plant trees. Ecosia has its own chrome extension along with mobile apps to make your internet search easy and sustainable.

Ecosia publishes its monthly finances publicly for accountability. Ecosia claims to have planted 1,833,298 trees till date.

Using a search engine to go sustainable is the easiest way. You can try it out by downloading the chrome extension here and mobile apps from here.

#9. Meat Footprint Calculator

eco app Meat Footprint Calculator

The meet footprint calculator is a web-based eco app that will help you understand the amount of carbon emission for every serving of meat.

Using this web app you can calculate the water consumption, CO2 emissions, and Land used for every serving of the meat. Once you are aware of your meat footprint, you can work on cutting down on your meat consumption. You can also find educational resources on this website to help you reduce your meat consumption and meat supplements.

You can calculate your meat footprint by visiting here. You can also find other eco-footprint calculators on this website by visiting here.

#10. DIY Garden Ideas

If you are thinking of growing your own vegetable and fruits but don’t have an idea about how to do that. The DIY Garden ideas app helps you do exactly that by providing you with easy-to-follow how-to steps. You can grow your own organic fruits, vegetable, and herbs with ease. Even if you don’t have any knowledge about gardening, this app will make your job easy and straightforward.

This eco app is only available for android, you can download it by visiting here.

Wrapping Up

These eco apps that are mostly available for free can be of great help for you to go sustainable with ease. These eco apps will provide many inputs with ease that otherwise are very difficult to find out and follow.

You can also check out the list of eco-friendly products to help you live sustainably.