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9 Powerful Ways To Reduce Plastic Pollution?

Annoyed by news of plastic pollution and curious about can you help to reduce plastic pollution?

We, humans, are at the root of all this plastic mess. There are tons and tons of plastic debris floating in our oceans making the oceans look like garbage fields. The great pacific garbage patch and the North Atlantic garbage patch are prime examples of garbage fields in the oceans.

These garbage patches comprise plastic straws, plastic bags, bottles, and all other single-use plastic items that pose serious damage to marine life. Tiny pieces of plastic which are almost invisible to your naked eye are mistakenly being ingested by the sea animals.

Thousand of marine species suffer from plastic pollution and die after ingesting plastics or after getting entangled in some plastics. They fall prey to the miserable items we produce and then choke to death.

If you are doubtful why plastics are to be blamed for all the garbage patches in the oceans.

  • Plastic is non-biodegradable
  • Plastic can stay for centuries
  • Plastic is toxic for all

Almost 80% of the debris existing inside the oceans originated on land. The plastic debris somehow entered the rivers from the streets and reached the oceans creating pollution.

To reduce plastic pollution, it is best to reduce trash generation.

Read on for 9 things you can do to reduce plastic pollution.

What You Can Do To Reduce Plastic Pollution

1. Reduce The Use Of Single-use Plastics

How many plastic items do we use only once and then throw it away? Plenty, right! Stats show that about 90% of the disposable plastic including grocery bags, wraps, cutlery, straws, etc. are used once in our daily routine. Hence, finding a reusable alternative to single-use plastic is obviously better. Plus, it wouldn’t take long before these alternatives become a habit for you.

You can visit here for the list of eco-friendly products that you can use in your daily routine and adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle.

2. Carry Your Own Reusable Bottle

You don’t have to be a scientist to understand plastic water bottles are dangerous too. Once the bottle gets empty there is only one thing left i.e. to toss it away. Every year, there are 20 billion plastic bottles thrown into the trash. So, why not carry a reusable water bottle and save your planet from the devastating plastic pollution.

3. Say No To Plastic Cutlery

It is healthier to cook your own meals than to order online or eat out but if you do so, make sure you do not ask for plastic cutleries. Bring your own containers for the leftovers but no plastic cutlery. The world is better off without this single-use plastic.

4. Use Metal Straws

To enjoy your favorite drink you don’t need those plastic straws. Try using reusable straws, carry your own straws and lead an eco-friendly lifestyle. Plastic straws are one of the most polluting plastic things ever made they can’t be recycled and light enough to escape into oceans easily.

There is a video of a tortoise with a plastic straw stuck in his nose and it is one of the most painful things that you can watch happen to a marine animal. Check here the list of reusable straw options available that you can carry along where ever you go.

5. Recycle More, Please!

You probably are aware of recycling but do you actually practice recycling in your daily lives? Only a few people actually recycle their plastic products. In fact, less than 14% of plastic packaging ever produced is actually recycled. Recycling plastics can actually help to reduce plastic pollution.

While most of you might not understand what can be and what can’t be recycled. For your convenience there is a number on the bottom of the container to help you with that.

  • #1 states PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) which is listed on most beverage and liquid cleaner bottles. Most recycling companies accept these bottles.
  • #2 is HDPE (High-density polyethylene) and the containers marked with this listing are the heavy-duty bottles for milk, juice and detergents.
  • #5 states PP (Polypropylene) listed on ketchup bottles, yoghurt, plastic cutlery and similar plastic containers. Such containers are recyclable in some areas. Check with the local authorities.

6. Support the plastic ban

The government in India has banned the use of plastic bags in the country. While the Maharashtra Government has imposed a state-wide ban on manufacturing, distribution, and use of single-use plastic products. Now, it is your duty to support such a ban and urge the leaders to make plastic-bag usage less desirable. It is entirely on you the people to make this plastic ban happen on the ground and reduce plastic pollution.

7. Bulk purchasing

Most of us have the tendency to purchase products like yogurt, fruits, and other grocery items in a limited quantity. Consider the product-to-packaging ratio of items and buy in bulk. This way you can reduce plastic packaging and make an impact on plastic pollution.

8. Avoid microbead products

Several beauty products like facial scrubs, body wash, etc. have little plastic scrubbers called microbeads present inside. Do not let their tiny size fool you because these can be equally harmful to marine animals. Most sea animals will mistake them for food and consume them. Hence, it is best to use products that include natural exfoliants & not plastic.

9. Be Heard

Recently, the Maharashtra Government imposed a state-wide ban on single-use plastic items. This included plastic packaging in which most products are delivered these days. E-Commerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart were given a time frame to replace their plastic packaging with more sustainable packaging material.

If you think that another company must adopt sustainable packaging materials then make yourself heard. Share your views through a tweet, letter, or any other source. But, make sure your money goes to a sustainable competitor. This can be your contribution towards reducing plastic pollution.

If you have any other ideas to help reduce plastic pollution. Comment below or write a blog post for us.