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11 Devastating Statistics And Facts About Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is increasingly becoming one of the prominent issues across the world. Not only is it harming the environment but is having hazardous effects on the health. The facts about plastic pollution include plastic garbage accumulated in water bodies making them toxic for aquatic life.

And plastic pollution is only exponentially rising with every passing day. Plastic is being so overused in the world of late that a life without plastics is never thought of. Nevertheless, the time has come to ditch the overdependence on this hazardous material and opt for safer alternatives.

To gain more perspective about this problem of plastic pollution, here you can find a few statistics and facts about plastic pollution, that will make you say no plastic.

Facts About Plastic Pollution

Fact 1

Nearly 300 million tons of plastic gets produced each year throughout the words. And very sadly, half of all the plastic produced ends up in the garbage after a single-use. This figure is only rising with every passing day.

Fact 2

The second fact in the facts about plastic pollution is more shocking. Of all the plastic in use, 40% is created just for packaging purposes. The packaging material is of no use once the product is opened for use.

The majority of this packaging material is plastic bags. All of the packaging material is used only once and discarded. Research has shown that a plastic bag is used for an average of 12 to 15 minutes before being discarded. Over one million plastic bags are used every minute.

Facts about plastic pollution. Say no to plastic bags switch to Eco friendly shopping bags

Fact 3

Another fact about plastic pollution is water bottles are the biggest contributor to plastic pollution. Water bottles are among the biggest culprits when it comes to the accumulation of such huge amounts of plastic litter.

More than 55% of all the plastic bottles ever produced are to carry water. The number of water bottles sold has risen from 3.8 billion in 1996 to 100 billion in 2014. They alone constitute 14% of all plastic garbage being thrown out.

Fact 4

Further, a study conducted by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis has asserted that every year between 4.8 and 12.7 million metric tons of plastic material ends up in oceans. It is the facts about plastic pollution that the figure is expected to surge exponentially by 2025, which is a worrisome trend.

Fact 5

Other worrisome facts about plastic pollution are that plastic doesn’t decompose. Plastic instead breaks into small pieces and then forms microplastics and further forms nano plastics. These plastics then get deposited on the beach and are often confused by marine animals for food.

Fact 6

Data suggests that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch contains plastic that is six times more than the aquatic life in that area. The garbage in the area is not visible to the naked eye or the satellite cameras. The suspended plastic particles that are extremely small in size make the water look cloudy.

Fact 7

The seventh fact in the facts about plastic pollution. Over one-seventh of all the plastic garbage that is thrown into the oceans, sinks to the bottom. These plastics that sinks to the bottom of the ocean and pose a significant threat to sea life as marine animals confuse them for food. The marine animals then choke to death after eating plastics.

Facts About Plastic Pollution

Fact 8

Plastic is known to be very dangerous to human health as studies have linked the chemicals present in plastic to hormone-related illness, cardiac issues, and diabetes. The adverse effects of plastic have also been noticed on the brain and reproductive systems. The plastic that ends up in the bodies of fishes and other marine animals is later on consumed by people in the form of seafood.

Fact 9

It takes over 500 to 1000 years for plastic to degrade which means all of the plastic ever manufactured except for that incinerated still exists in some form.

Fact 10

According to scientific estimates, over one million seabirds are killed due to plastic consumption each year and 100,000 mammals lose their life to the same cause. 44% of the marine bird species are affected by plastic in some way while all of the aquatic life is known to have plastic in or around their bodies.

Fact 11

Plastic garbage has an adverse effect not only on water quality but the micro-particles are found in air, dust, and food as well.


Plastic is making the planet toxic beyond our imagination and if we don’t stop the overuse right now, we are going to pay for it. Switch to the safer alternatives to save whatever of life is present on the planet.

These facts about plastic pollution, should make you think about your choices and make a conscious towards saying no to plastics.

You should make a switch towards an eco-friendly lifestyle and live a plastic-free life. You can also replace plastic products in your day-to-day life with eco-friendly products.

If you have anything to add in facts about plastic pollution. Comment below or write us to share your views.