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Top 5 Benefits Of Reusable Sanitary Pads

Thinking of reducing the plastic from your day-to-day life?

Or just stumbled upon the idea of using reusable sanitary pads and worried whether they would be good for you?

To answer all your questions, and motivate you to adopt reusable sanitary pads.

Here you can find the curated list of the top 5 benefits of reusable sanitary pads and answers to a few frequently asked questions.

Benefits Of Reusable Sanitary Pads

#1. Reusable Cloth Pads Reduce Plastic Use

Every year, about 12.3 billion sanitary napkins amounting to 113,000 tonnes of waste end up in landfills. And these disposable sanitary pads contain 90% of single-use plastic that won’t decompose for 100s of years.

That is a lot of plastic being dumped into the ever-rising landfills. And this problem is getting worse with every passing day. This is where the biggest benefit of reusable sanitary pads comes into play to help reduce the use of plastics.   

#2. Reusable Cotton Pads Helps You Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Another major benefit of reusable sanitary pads is that it helps in reducing your carbon footprint. First, you would help in saving lots of energy as, once produced, reusable sanitary pads are good to use for at least 4 years. That means lots of energy saved and reduced carbon emission from energy production.

Second, you will reduce your carbon footprint in the amount of carbon emitted each time you need to go out to purchase those sanitary pads. And the carbon emitted for transferring them to the landfills after it is used.

The reusable sanitary pads will go a long way in helping you reduce your carbon footprint.

#3. Reusable Period Pads Will Save Money

reusable sanitary padsreusable padsreusable cotton padsreusable period padsreusable cloth pads

By using the reusable period pads you will not only help reduce plastic from our environment but also save money being spent every month on period pads. On average, a woman would spend about ₹2000 in 4 years on period pads that are used only once and thrown away. The pack of 4 reusable period pads costs about ₹600. And that would last for at least 4 years or more, if well maintained.

Switch to reusable period pads for money if not for the environment.

#4. Avoid Rashes And Infections

The disposable menstrual pads are made using plastics and synthetic fibers, which, over time, can cause skin rashes. The risk of infections is high with disposable sanitary pads as they absorb the skin moisture.

While the cloth reusable sanitary pads are made of a breathable material that helps reduce the risk of infections. The reusable sanitary pads help keep the vaginal area healthy and rash-free.

#5. Reusable Sanitary Pads Are Free From Toxins

Another benefit of reusable sanitary pads is that they are the healthier option compared to disposable sanitary pads. Using disposable pads can result in rashes and chemicals used in these pads can cause hormone disruptions and gynecological disorders.

The breathable and toxins-free reusable sanitary pads can help you avoid all this. Overall, reusable sanitary pads are the healthier option for you to adopt.

Reusable Sanitary Pads Pros And Cons

You might still have some doubts about reusable sanitary pads. Let’s get started by discussing the reusable sanitary pads pros and cons.

Pros of Reusable Sanitary Pads

  • Reusable sanitary pads help reduce the plastic going into landfills.
  • Reusable sanitary pads are made using biodegradable material.
  • You will save lot of money by switching to reusable pads.
  • Help you reduce your overall carbon footprint.
  • Avoid any sorts of infections and rashes.
  • Fabric used is safe, hygienic and soft.
  • Free from toxins and chemicals.
  • Breathable material.

Cons of Reusable Sanitary Pads

  • Not suitable for women with heavy flow.
  • Travelling with reusable pads can be challenging.
  • Adopting reusable pads for new users can be hectic.
  • Washing reusable sanitary pads can be messy sometimes.
  • Uncertainty is attached to the time the pads will take to get dried.

Check out the list of best reusable pads available here.

Check out the list of other environmentally friendly products to help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to clean reusable sanitary pads?

Cleaning reusable sanitary pads is the biggest query of those of you looking forward to switching to reusable sanitary pads.

Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to clean reusable sanitary pads?

Step 1: Soaking in cold water

First, you need to soak it in cold water. This is essential for removing blood from every part of the cloth pads. Avoid hot water for the first rinse as it can set in the bloodstains. You should leave the cloth pads in for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Step 2: Face the used side downwards

By facing the used side of cloth pads downwards, the blood will fall out of the pad instead of settling deeper into the fabric. By doing so, you will notice the blood getting out of the cloth pad more quickly.

Step 3: Wash with soap

You can now wash the pad with soap to wash out the remaining blood residues. You can wash your cloth pad by hand or using the washing machine.

Step 4: Thorough drying

Now you need to dry the cloth pad completely on the clothesline or in the drier. Exposure to the sunlight can help prevent staining and heat the pad inside out, acting as a natural sanitizer.

Following this process, you can make sure your pad is cleaned properly and remains fully in shape for a long time use.  

Things To Avoid While Washing Cloth Pads

  • Don’t use too much detergent as that can build-up over time and reduce the absorbency of your period pad.
  • Don’t use fabric softeners or bleach with your cloth pad that can actually damage it.
  • Ironing at high temperature should also be avoided.

How to make reusable sanitary pads at home?

You can always purchase sanitary pads online, but if you are looking to make reusable sanitary pads at home, watch the following video. This video explains the idea of making the sanitary pad at home very well.

How to wash reusable sanitary pads?

Washing reusable sanitary pads is the biggest question for those of you looking forward to switching to reusable sanitary pads.

Watch this helpful video to help you with washing reusable sanitary pads.