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7 Small Steps To Take Against Plastic Pollution

What should we do when we see plastic?

  • Put it in the trash
  • Throw it outside
  • Or dispose of it safely/recycle it

The third option is among the most convenient ones since we cannot suddenly drop the use of plastic products. So, We need small steps to take against plastic pollution and curb the hazard plaguing our environment. The plague that surrounds our planet pollutes our oceans and consumes many lives is not going anywhere unless we all step forward. Our initiative will decide the future course of our planet.

Oceans hold the world’s largest dumping grounds with regular plastic disposals being thrown at them. If this continues for a little longer then there will be nothing left to save. Plastic pollution is now a concern of gigantic proportions. We have compiled a list of 7 small steps to fight against such pollution. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Steps To Take Against Plastic Pollution

Say No To Single-Use Plastic

There isn’t a single place around us where single-use plastic products aren’t available. The best way to deal with this hazard is to take the initiative ourselves. Plastic straws, for instance, are one of the worst products we must refuse to use. When you refuse these items, you allow the business owners a chance to adopt greener alternatives. This promotes the environment and puts effective eco-friendly alternatives to use.

Let’s Recycle

Quit Using Plastic Steps To Take Against Plastic Pollution

Recycling plastic products is a valuable option in steps to take against plastic pollution. This goes without saying that you should reutilize plastic items & products. Your recycling process offers two major benefits. Firstly, it prevents plastic from going into the ocean, and secondly, it reduces the amount of new plastic circulation. So, remember to recycle these products. Try checking with the local recycling community to learn which plastic products they accept.

Organize Or Participate In River/Beach Cleanup

At times when things get all messed up, we must get into the act. Start participating in local beach cleanups nearby by joining the events such as the International Coastal Cleanup. For more info click here.

You can also organize a cleanup event by visiting your nearest waterway/beach with friends and collecting all the plastic waste. This is how you can make a difference to the planet’s health.

Support The Plastic Ban

Government policies play a key role in steps to take Against plastic pollution. Now that we have seen Governments impose a ban on single-use plastic products such as containers, bags, etc. The violation of this ban is harmful to the environment as well as lives. We, humans, must adopt these policies and avoid the use of single-use plastic or other banned packages by the Government. Support the ban and limit the use of harmful products like plastic bags today.

No Microbead Products

Microbeads are the tiny plastic particles that are responsible for growing plastic pollution in the oceans. They easily enter the oceans through sewer systems and affect multiple marine species. These particles are found in toothpaste, body wash, and other products. To avoid using microbeads-contained products just look for “polypropylene” or “polyethene” on the products ingredient list.

Stay Informed

There are many solutions to this problem and we must stay informed about all of them. It isn’t very difficult to realize how critical our planet’s health really is. We cannot risk our environment, our marine life, and our oceans any longer. It is time to start making the right decisions, organizing events, inviting friends for the cleanup process, and do a lot more. These things could be done effectively if we stay informed and spread the word around.

Small Donation With Bigger Effects

Plastic pollution is one of the long-standing curses on the planet for which we ourselves are to be blamed. There are plenty of non-profit organizations that have adopted different ways to reduce & eliminate single-use plastic. These organizations constantly require donations to keep fighting against plastic pollution. So, our small donation could effectively make a real difference in this fight of ours.

These are seven fabulous ways we can fight against plastic pollution. It is very important to showcase our intent early on and how ready we are to fight it out. Organizations, Governments, United Nations, everyone is pitching in their support to save the environment. It’s time we step up too and take an active part in these processes. There are many small steps to take against plastic pollution that can actually bring the change we want.

Let’s take a pledge not to use single-use plastic anymore. Without our help, no large-scale cleanup project is rendered effective. Positive results are achieved only when we all act as one. So, if you desire the best for your oceans, then follow the 7 wonderful steps we have discussed above. Step up your game to beat plastic pollution.